Catching A Wish by Zuzz











This tutorial was written by me September 25 - 2019
any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely coincidental.
I'm using this adorable tube from Lisa Victoria you need a license to use these tubes
available at DAH
a non animated version in the bottom of the page

Supplies HERE
Filters needed: EyeCandy 5
VM Natural - Acid rain

Open a new layer 600 x 600
preset shape tool - draw ellipse Width 15
close background
draw out three ellipse different colors a bit a part from each other
this is how mine looks













convert to raster
click inside the ellipse
add a new layer - fill with a color from your tube
move it below the ellipse layer
add a couple of heart clouds from the supplies
( I don't know who made them, let me know )
now add your tube and place it
drop shadow everything
crop you tag, but leave a little room around it for the mask

add a new layer - move to bottom - fill white
new layer fill color from your tube
add my mask - merge group
on the group layer
VM-Natural - Acid rain










add © and name

you can skip the animation and save as is after applying the Electric Storm
it's all up to you ☺


select the ellipse layer
Effect EyeCandy 5 - corona - setting Small Electric Storm
Adjust Hue/Saturation - Hue and Saturation/lightness
move the sliders and change the colors to fit your tube
copy merge open AS paste as new animation
back in psp undo two times
add corona again, but hit the random button
change to the same hue/saturation
copy merge - paste after current frame in AS
repeat one more time
Done ♥


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